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A filling is a procedure done usually to treat tooth decay and to prevent it from spreading further into the tooth. All tooth decay is removed before the placement of a filling. At Hampshire Meadow Family and Pediatric Dentistry we primarily use resin fillings which you might recognize as “white fillings”. We offer local anesthesia along with nitrous sedation to provide the most comfortable environment for our patients. Due to recent advances in dental materials we have elected not to use “metal” (amalgam) fillings at our location.

Composite Resin for Cosmetics

Although fillings are primarily done to treat cavities, they can also be done to address a patient’s cosmetic concerns. Resin composite come in a wide range of shades and so can be perfectly matched to a patient’s teeth. Resin composite are sometimes used to close a gap, mask discoloration, and repair chips and wear. Dr. Nubani has extensive experience with cosmetic dentistry so feel free to discuss any questions you have regarding these types of treatments if you are interested.