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Missing teeth can drastically affect your appearance. People who have missing teeth often complain of a loss of fullness in their face and of having a sunken and hallow appearance to their cheeks. People with multiple missing teeth are also unable to eat many foods which can negatively impact their nutrition and health.

Those who have multiple missing teeth may want to consider dentures. Dr. Nubani finds so much pleasure in helping to restore her patients confidence and overall wellness. Depending on the amount of teeth missing, we may suggest partial or full dentures. During your consultation, we will assess all your options and you can choose what you feel most comfortable with.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are ideal for those who are missing only a few teeth in a row. They are supported by the remaining gum, underlying bone, and any intact adjacent teeth. Partial dentures can be a treatment modality even for single tooth replacement. Our treatment plans are designed to address each patient’s unique needs.

Complete Dentures

When your dental arch no longer has any teeth, a complete denture is the optimal solution. You can choose the traditional kind that are supported by gum tissue and the underlying bone, or choose to have dentures that are anchored by dental implants. The latter option provides more stability and support to the denture. Dr. Nubani will be thrilled to discuss all your options!